I've got a lot of work to do this week (32 pages of one book to letter/retouch, 34 of another, about 60 pages to proof and a font to build---yikes!) so I'm rather pleased that I found the time to do this at all.
This wasn't my first idea, but this one was the fastest to execute. I'm rather sad that it came out looking a bit like a microwaved potato.
Anybody out there know how to generate ttf's in Fontlab? The "six family names" thing is really confusing me.
Nice work, Cutie. Your story about "easiest to execute" vs. the 24-second shot clock is classic to us all. Nice colors and line work.
I was going to say cool beans but your illustration demands that I exclaim, COOL POTATOs!
Susie! Hi, thanks for finding me again, and thanks for posting on my blog, and thanks for the encouragement on my sketch a day goal. My well-wishes extend to you, having complete and utter respect for your work as a letterer, and my own understanding of how much that takes: time, time, backbone, liver (sacrificed to all that caffeine), and, oh yeah, time. ^__^
I love all your work!!!
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