So..umm..Day 3 of 29 Faces. LOL
I just finished a really tight deadline a couple of days ago and needed to decompress. I haven't heard from the client about it, but I *think* I made the deadline.
Anyway this young lady is a member of the "Radical Brownies" in Oakland. I was excited for this group and then found out that they weren't associated with the Girl Scouts of America and needed to change their group name. It kinda took a little polish off of my excitement, but on the other hand, I'm still a fan of what the group's mission statement. Hopefully they'll be around a long time to empower young girls. Here's their Facebook page, if they have an official site with a new name later on, I'll try to post that too.
Meanwhile about 29 Faces... the month is near-over, but I'm going to try to continue. I envy the other people in the challenge who can just DO this. I need to channel more discipline and drive to do a drawing every day. Go to the 29 Faces badge on the column and check out the work of people more dedicated to their art than I am!