Saturday, September 02, 2017


I've been seriously neglecting this blog in favor of Instagram, but I've also been neglecting a lot of other stuff too! I guess 29 Faces keeps me coming back if only for a little while.

Today is a warmup inspired by Ayala Art's prompt: Princess Diana. I never thought I'd draw her because I'm not so much a fan of the hype, but since I was completely unprepared for 29 Faces September (see: neglect), it seemed as good a face to tackle as any.

Looking at her photos, she was the Queen of Side Eye and Serious Shade. Maybe that was part of her allure. I don't think I made her snarky-looking enough here, but you get the idea. I originally wanted to do this in ink, but I saw the crown and noped outta that.
Sketchbook paper, acrylic wash, mechanical pencil. Scanned and adjusted to Hell.

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